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Input / Output

  Fortran 90 has a wealth of I/O, too much to cover here. It has many statements, (for example, READ, WRITE, OPEN, CLOSE, REWIND and BACKSPACE) built in to the language and also has very powerful formatting commands for `pretty printing' or formatted output.

So far, all examples have performed I/O with a terminal. Fortran 90 allows a number of different streams (files) to be connected to a program for both reading and writing. In Fortran 90 a file is connected to a logical unit denoted by a number. This number must be positive and is often limited to be between 1 and 100, the exact number will be given in the compiler manual. Each logical unit can have many properties, for example,

The maximum number of files which can be open at any one time will also be specified in the compiler manual.

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Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
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