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Dual Fortran 90 and HPF Codes

The HPF directives are comments so are ignored by Fortran 90 compilers. The other main additions to Fortran 90 syntax are PURE, FORALL, EXTRINSIC and the functions from the HPF Library module. Now both PURE and FORALL are included in Fortran 95 and are starting to appear in new Fortran compilers already, the HPF Library module is available as a Fortran 90 MODULE accessible via the HPF Web Site given earlier so the only major feature that is absent from Fortran are EXTRINSIC procedures (x3j3/WG5 seem to be going in another direction). It should be possible to mask out EXTRINSIC references by using a preprocessor such as cpp or fpp.

Pointers and passing array sections should also be avoided as neither feature is HPF-friendly! The previous section highlighted the problems of sequence and storage association which should also be avoided.

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Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
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