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When a program is loaded into the computers memory, the contents of declared variables are normally undefined, it is clearly useful to override this and give variables useful initial values. For example,

    INTEGER          :: i = 5, j = 100
    REAL             :: max = 10.D5
    CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: light = 'Amber'
    CHARACTER(LEN=9) :: gumboot = 'Wellie'
    LOGICAL          :: on = .TRUE., off = .FALSE.

For CHARACTER variables, if the object and initialisation expression are of different lengths then either:

Variables can be initialised in a number of ways

Limited expressions known as initialisation expressions can also be used in type declaration statements. These expression must be able to be evaluated when the program is compiled -- if you can't work out the values then neither can the compiler. Initialisation expressions can contain PARAMETER s or literals. Arrays may be initialised by specifying a scalar value or by using a conformable array constructor, (/.../).

    REAL, PARAMETER :: pi = 3.141592
    REAL :: radius = 3.5
    REAL :: circum = 2 * pi * radius
    INTEGER :: a(1:4) = (/1,2,3,4/)

In general, intrinsic functions cannot be used in initialisation expressions, however, the following intrinsics may be used:

In this context the arguments to these functions must be initialisation expressions.

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©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
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