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Operations on arrays and array intrinsics

Declare a constant arrays A and X where:



     		a) 		Using the relevant intrinsics set M and N to be the extents of A

b) Print the array A out row by row,

c) Write a Fortran 90 program which use intrinsics to print out the following:

i) The sum of the product of the columns of A (use intrinsics)

ii) The product of the sum of the row elements of A (use intrinsics)

iii) The sum of squares of the elements of X

iv) The mean of the elements of X

v) The sum of the positive elements of X

vi) The infinity norm of X i.e. the largest of ( tex2html_wrap_inline3298 )

vii) The one norm of A i.e. the largest column sum of tex2html_wrap_inline3300

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Thu May 29 10:11:26 BST 1997
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