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IF ... THEN .... ELSEIF Construct

The IF construct has the following syntax,

IF(< logical-expression >)THEN

< then-block >

[ ELSEIF(< logical-expression >)THEN

< elseif-block >

... ]


< else-block > ]


The first branch to have a true < logical-expression > is the one that is executed. If none are found then the < else-block >, if present, is executed.

For example,

    IF (x .GT. 3) THEN
     CALL SUB1
    ELSEIF (x .EQ. 3) THEN
     A = B*C-D
    ELSEIF (x .EQ. 2) THEN
     A = B*B
     IF (y .NE. 0) A=B

IF blocks may also be nested.

For more information, click here gif

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Wed May 28 23:37:18 BST 1997
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